Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Two smiling people looking at each other on a park bench


It is important to Movement Bank that we provide a safe and sound banking experience for all our customers. We employ up-to-date security technology and use industry best practices to keep your information secure, but we encourage you to partner with us to protect yourself by following these tips:

  • Protect your passwords and PINs! Never share them and do not write them down. Use a secure password manager if you need help keeping track of all those pesky passwords.
  • Keep your mobile device secure by installing the latest operating system and firmware updates.
  • Only download applications from reputable sources. To download the Movement Bank app, go to Appstore.com/movementbank or download from Google play.
  • Use anti-malware software on your PCs and, if possible, your mobile devices. Keep your computer up-to-date with security fixes by turning on Automatic Updates, and make sure you reboot when prompted.
  • Only access banking applications on secure wired or wireless networks.
  • Set up account alerts. Once you are logged in to Online Banking, go to Settings > Alerts and choose the criteria for alerts you wish to receive.
  • Do not respond to requests for private information via e-mail, text message or phone call. Call the bank directly if you receive any suspicious requests for information.


To help protect your organization from security breaches, you should adopt internal controls and guidelines like the following:

  • Protect your machines. Place limits and controls on who has access to your computer systems. Make sure your organization’s computers are running the latest operating system and versions of software, web browser, and anti-virus protection.  Check that your anti-virus software is up-to-date and updated automatically.
  • Teach your employees to be cautious and suspicious, and never take e-mail at face value – especially if it seems urgent or contains threats.  These may be phishing attempts designed to trick people into opening a malicious link or attachment. They should know to always check any suspicious or unexpected communications by calling, e-mailing, or going to a website directly instead of clicking any links.
  • Let us help you limit fraud. Use fraud protection services such as Positive Pay for checks and ACH. Also, use payment templates to prevent unauthorized modifications, and ensure that your payment limits reflect your typical transaction amounts.
  • Implement dual custody. Adopt dual authorization and/or transaction-based authentication procedures for financial transfers.
  • Monitor online accounts daily. Actively monitor your online accounts to detect suspicious activities. Immediately contact your customer service group if you notice anything out of the ordinary.


The following websites offer excellent information for protecting yourself online:

FDIC Cybersecurity Awareness Basics https://www.fdic.gov/consumers/assistance/protection/idtheft.html

FTC’s OnGuard Online https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/feature-0038-onguardonline

FTC Identity Theft Information https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/feature-0014-identity-theft

A Cybersecurity Guide for Business FDIC: FDIC Consumer News Winter 2016 – Cybersecurity for Small Businesses: Ways to Stay Protected

Stop Fraud

National Cyber Security Alliance


To report a lost or stolen debit card 24/7, please call 877.226.2351

For general inquiries, or to report any suspicious activity, call 434.792.0198

Customer Service e-mail service@movementbank.com

Send us an online message https://www.movementbank.com/contact-us or send us a message within Online Banking